Browse Articles By Tag: copyright
What does the Law think of Sampling? Sampling is defined as the act of taking a small portion of one work of art, and then taking that piece and mixing it into an original work of art. This is probably most common in music, particularly in genres like hip hop, house,...
07.10.2012 · From joanellis
The Rules of Royalties Royalty payments are defined as a usage-based form of payment made by one party, referred to as the licensee, and another party, referred to as the licensor. The licensor would be the artist or copyright holder of an intellectual property,...
04.10.2012 · From joanellis
What is an Alternative Compensation System? There are actually a few different meanings for the term “alternative compensation system”. In general, it simply means that the author of a given work, or copyright holder of a given work, will receive payment or...
03.10.2012 · From joanellis
How Syndication Works Simply put, in broadcasting, syndication is a way for the creators of a TV show to turn that show into an asset, rather than a sort of a one shot deal. By selling the rights to broadcast the show to any number of networks, the owners of the show...
02.10.2012 · From joanellis
Know the Basics of Patent Law A patent is defined as a set of exclusive rights, as granted by the state, to an inventor or creator, or his or her “assignee”, for a pre-determined length of time, in exchange for the full disclosure of his or her invention. (...)
02.10.2012 · From joanellis
How does an Open Music Model work? In response to the growing wave of piracy that first started making itself known in the late 1990’s, lawmakers, music industry people, and internet groups were desperate to find ways to somehow offer music online. (...)
01.10.2012 · From joanellis
The human mind has an incredible ability to come up with beautiful ideas and turn them into something fixed and tangible which can be extremely useful to mankind. Human intelligence is responsible for the invention of new technologies, products, and services that...
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Without intellectual property law, many of the technologies, creative inventions, product developments, and services that we know today may not have survived. Intellectual property (IP), just as the term implies, is a form of intangible asset that results from a...
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Intellectual property rights, in general, are an assortment of rights granted to people who own unique inventions that are the outcome of creativity and intellect. These inventions can be in the scientific, literary, artistic, or industrial sectors. (...)
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Intellectual property is a kind of intangible asset that is the outcome of creative thought process. When these ideas are transformed into something tangible, they become the books, songs, paintings, gadgets, and web pages that become available to the public. (...)
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Intellectual property (IP) is simply an expressed creative idea. Hence, (IP) intellectual property could be a design, an invention, a song, a brand, or any other kind of intellectual creation. One can own it, use it, buy it, distribute it, or sell it. (...)
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
A large number of people believe that the success of a company depends on its tangible assets; when in fact, the intangible ones (ideas, business processes, brand names, logos, etc.) such as are even more important. (...)
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Now that the international market is becoming a more “knowledge-based” venue in which intelligence and creativity are essential the advancement of economy, intellectual property patent has become more valuable like no other. (...)
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
A huge part of company investments goes to research and development for various reasons, such as to bring new products to consumers, to differentiate themselves from their competitors, and to become the front runners in their field. (...)
05.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
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